Last week, Cardi B shared her response to Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, and Jake Gyllenhaal admitting they don’t shower daily. The Bronx-rapper tweeted: “Wassup with people saying they don’t shower? It’s giving itchy.”
She then asked her Twitter followers if they would shower at her place, and offered a peek into her skin routine. Surprisingly, all the items were $20 and under. The items included eight containers of Dove body wash, eight bars of Dove soap, four Degree deodorants, two jars of Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula, Dr. Teals Kids’ Melatonin 3-in-1 body wash, Elderberry & Vitamin C Epsom Salt three bottles of Lubriderm lotion, a collection of body scrubs and two big tubs of Vaseline.
She then raved about her preference for St. Ives, “I looooveeeee to exfoliate down south with it after I shave. I can’t laser or wax till I give birth so I like to exfoliate right after I shave. Body scrubs is good for the leg & body but I feel is to oily for the bikini line,” she wrote.

Despite the toxic chemicals in most over-the-counter products, most people don’t know what chemicals to avoid. Parabens, sulfates and fragrance can be made from about 3100 different chemicals not listed on the label. Natural products like shea butte, african black soap and Dr. Bronners are faves for newbies and veterans looking to remove carcinogenic items from their routine.
If you’re in New York City August 29,2021 come check out the 5-year old entrepreneur Felicity owner of Felicity’s Seamoss for a meet and greet to pick up your sea moss and all your health and beauty items.
Nicholas on Lenox
423 Lenox Avenue (@131st)NY, NY
August 29,2021
Spread the word…We hope to see you there!
