Today, in celebration of National Men’s Grooming Day on August 18, AXE and Lil Baby are teaming up to launch the brand new ‘Logne Forgiveness Program, a landmark initiative forgiving thousands of dollars of (co)‘logne debt.
Providing guys with a new, simpler way to smell premium while still being able to stack their hard earned cash, the program will see AXE and Lil Baby providing select fans $150 toward the cost of their old cologne so they can buy the new AXE Fine Fragrance Collection and still have plenty of cash left in their pocket.
“One thing I’ve learned is that your price tag doesn’t define your worth,” said Lil Baby. “Y’all can smell just as fine with the new AXE and keep building your cash in the meantime. That’s how you do it when you’re the GOAT.”
To be eligible to receive one of the select $150 Cash App payments, fans simply need to drop their Cash App $cashtag in the comments on our ‘Logne Forgiveness posts for a chance to receive their refund. No other steps involved!
As Gen-Z looks to prioritize quality fragrances over high-prices, thought this might make for an interesting piece on how AXE is taking on the luxury fragrance industry and redefining what ‘fine fragrance’ truly means.