Initially published via Sound On Sound magazine in 2016, Tape Leaders: A Compendium Of Early British Electronic Music Composers, written by Ian Helliwell, will now be made available beyond Sound On Sound. The book dives deep into more than 100 musicians active during the analogue era who toyed with tape and electronics throughout the 1950’s and ’60s.
Spanning an excess of 100 artists ranging from Brian Eno to The Beatles, Tape Leaders carefully inspects the experimental nature of that time and will now widen its audience thanks to a publication deal with the UK’s source of electronic and club culture, Velocity Press. The book will be accompanied by a 15-track CD of nearly all unreleased early British tape and synthesizer works.
Come November 8, London’s The Social will hold Velocity Press’ evening of books, films, and talks with Ian Helliwell and Synthesizer Evolution author in honor of Tape Leaders hitting the stands once again. For more information, visit Tape Leaders‘ official website.
Featured image: Tape Leaders: A Compendium Of Early British Electronic Music Composers