After almost two months of fighting off Uncle Tom sentiments, actor Terry Crews is back in hot water with the Black community after a controversial tweet, in which the White Girls actor says “coon” is an acronym for “Conquer Our Own Negativity.”

This demeaning tweet came right on the heels of his last tweet, in which Crews said that you cannot defeat White supremacy without White people.
Crews doubled down on his statement, even after the backlash from the community, stating on The View, “We have people who have decided who is going to be Black and who’s not. And I simply because I have a mixed-race wife (Rebecca King-Crews), have been discounted from the conversation a lot of the time, by very, very militant movements, the Black power movement. I’ve been called all kinds of things, like an Uncle Tom, simply because I’m successful, simply because I’ve worked my way out of Flint, Michigan.”