
ALI Unveils ‘Trick Of The Light’ A Hauntingly Beautiful Anthem Exploring Perception and Self-Discovery

Rising pop sensation ALI is set to win over audiences once again with her latest release, “Trick Of The Light,” a hauntingly beautiful track that delves into the complexities of perception and self-discovery. Following the success of her previous singles “When the Summer’s Back,” “Hourglass,” and “Lonely,” ALI returns to the spotlight with “Trick Of The Light,” a theatrical rendition of her personal journey since leaving her hometown in west Catalonia, Spain, to pursue her dreams in London. The song is the last preview from ALI’s upcoming debut album set to release later this year.

Born in a small town in west Catalonia, Spain, ALI moved to London at the age of 18 to study songwriting in the heart of Europe’s arts culture. Her first single, “When the Summer’s Back,” released in May 2023, marked the beginning of a steady stream of new music. Influenced by artists such as LÉON and Taylor Swift, ALI’s mellow contemporary pop sound takes listeners on a deep and nostalgic journey through her lyrics and sound. She writes about the experiences, difficulties, and stories of living far from home, putting all her heart and soul into every song and performance.

Collaborating once again with her trusted producer, Yuriy Salud, ALI has crafted a powerful pop anthem with “Trick Of The Light” that showcases her unparalleled ability to infuse raw emotion into her music. With its soaring melodies and evocative lyrics, the track invites listeners on a cathartic journey through the highs and lows of the human experience.