
Destructo to bring Sunrise Sermon to California this Halloween

Back once again with one of his historic Sunrise Sermon sets, Destructo returns this October for a two-day Halloween event to be remembered. The weekend affair will witness Destructo on a hair-raising journey through California where he’ll take on Los Angeles’ Avalon on October 30, before making his way north to San Francisco’s Audio on October 31.

Beginning at 3:00 a.m. EST / 6:00 a.m. PST, the shows will continue on past sunrise and into the day with no end time confirmed. Dedicated to one of dance music’s most treasured and anticipated weekends, the Destructo-hosted sunrise will likely come with all the expected entanglements that conjure up an eerie and unearthly Hallows Eve endeavor.

Purchase tickets here and prepare for a night of surreal soundscapes.

Destructo to bring Sunrise Sermon to California this HalloweenDestructo Halloween Sermon

Featured image: Ticketmaster