The newest record store in Lund, Sweden is proving difficult for people to get into; not because of its hip exclusivity or long lines, but because it is physically too small. And that’s because it’s a record store specially designed for a different kind of eager crate digger, specifically mice, called Ricotta Records. Yes, this is real.
Ricotta Records is the latest installation by AnonyMouse, a European art collective known for creating and installing a variety of miniaturized buildings for mice. Those walking by the tiny record shop can peek at little vinyl crates stuffed with cuts from Winnimere Houston, Destiny’s Cheese, and The Spice Gerbils, and more, and see posters featuring acts Rats Against The Machine and Cat Stevens.
AnonyMouse has called for fan submissions for additional mice-themed music posters, with favorited picks by Amy Winemouse and Tailor Swiss already making the cut. Even with a wide variety of solid rodent-themed records and genres readily available at Ricotta, we’d probably still be at the back in the electronic section, sifting through crates of Swedish Mouse Mafia and deadmau5 albums anyway.
View this post on Instagramenglish below. Vi har fått in väldigt många bra förslag på skivor som borde finnas hos oss, så nu tänkte vi göra en liten tävling – kom på en artist/skivtitel som skulle passa på Ricotta Records, så väljer vi ut det förslag vi tycker är roligast och gör en riktig (mycket liten) affisch av det, och skickar till personen som kom på den, inramad och allt! inspiration finns på bild 2 i det här inlägget. ___________________________________ We have recieved quite a few tips regarding our inventory, so we figured we'd do a little contest – send us your best suggestion of an artist/album that would be suitable at Ricotta Records. We'll choose the one we find most entertaining and we'll make a (very small) poster of it, aaand send it to the person in question, framed and everything! all over the world! you can find some inspiration on page 2 in this post. #anonymouse #anonymousemmx #ricottarecords #lund #streetart #mousehouse
View this post on Instagramenglish below. _____________________________ hej! det är vi igen, din vänliga granne, som också råkar vara ett gatukonst-kollektiv. vi fortsätter med ostvitsarna, som bäst förtäres med kex och vinbärssaft. __________________________________ its us again! your friendly neighbourhood street art collective! continuing to bring you cheezy puns. best consumed with some crackers and a glass of grape juice. #anonymouse #anonymousemmx #ricottarecords #nygatan #lund #straightouttamöllan #kesellafitzgerhald
View this post on Instagramenglish below Det har varit otroligt svårt att välja ut bidrag, ni har kommit på så mycket roligt och oväntat. Så vi valde tre av dom som fick oss att skratta högt. Grattis till @andersagetorp, @tantbergh, @lackalanga och @martaholmquist för strålande insatser! Skicka gärna PM till oss så ska vi se till att ni får ett litet paket på posten såsmåningom. ________________________ It's been incredibly hard to choose between all entries, you've come up with so many entertaining and unexpected artists. So we choose three of those that made us laugh out loud. 💛 #anonymouse #anonymousemmx #lund #nygatan #ricottarecords